咨询热线: 0513-88400999



丁宝勤 13906276368(技术) 周龙泰 13606279370(商务)

电话:0513-88400999 传真:0513-88400998 邮箱:jszk@vip.163.com

The system is conveyed powder material from side silo to bulk loading equipment.
It is characterized by nimble control, smooth discharge and small resistance etc.
Also apply in building material system, other industry, metallurgi¬cal, coal and chemical industry to load and ship powder material.


9 CSZ-09卸料系统

Discharge system

8 CSZ-08罗茨风机至仓管路

Pipeline from roots fan to silo

7 CSZ-07压缩空气管路系统

Compressed air pipeline system

6 CSZ-06船用散装机

Bulk loader of ship

5 CSZ-05罗茨风机

Roots fan

4 CSZ-04船用收尘器系统

Dust filtering system of ship

3 CSZ-03计量系统

Measuring system

2 CSZ-02库顶收尘系统

Top silo dust filtering system

1 CSZ-01库顶进料系统

Top silo inlet system


产品关键词:船舶散装机 散装机

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